
It would be so easy for Neptune to be overlooked as just another black and white kitten who has flu. It’s a sad reality that black and white cats (just like black cats more generally) are often overlooked for the ‘prettier’ colours. We also find that many people will not consider adopting a cat who has had flu.

However, anyone who overlooks Neptune is missing out on one amazing little kitten. He came into care as a tiny 3 week old who had to be bottle fed. He very quickly became best friends with the 8 year old of the house who often refers to him by his nickname of ‘Splodge’ – for the cute spot of black on one of his otherwise white paws. Whilst everyone else was having milk he would sneak off looking for his best friend and would make a daring escape every night to get to the child’s bed.

He loves nothing more than a game of chase the paper ball. He is starting to learn to fetch and another dedicated child to call his own could have him performing this trick in no time! He is also being trained in the martial arts in the hopes that one day he will become the world’s first ninja spy kitty.

Once he has worn himself out with his trick and ninja training, he loves nothing more than cuddles and pats while he purrs himself to sleep on your chest.

We would love to see Neptune find his forever home with a child or children who need a best friend for many years to come. In actual fact the little boy in his foster family insists on it, Neptune has told him he will only be happy with children!

Shortly after coming into care Neptune and his space cattet siblings came down with calicivirus, a strain of cat flu. Feline Calicivirus (FCV) is very common and accounts for more than 50% of cat flu infections. Cats typically acquire FCV during direct contact with another cat who has the virus.

All strains of cat flu are very prevalent within cats. They are particularly common in catteries, shelters, pounds, multi cat households and even breeders. As cats can carry the virus and shed it, potentially infecting other cats, we recommend flu cats are rehomed either to homes with other flu cats or without other cats.

Neptune was adopted by a family with a young boy. He has grown into the sweetest and most chilled out young man. It was very hard for his foster family to say goodbye. Knowing how amazing his new family was, made it a bit easier.