Cat Rescue

BYO Cup to the CCC

That's right folks, today we're finally going to be talking about one of those green initiatives I mentioned in our Earth Day post. You may or may not know this but cafe's actually generate quite a bit of waste, but that doesn't mean that there aren't things we can do [...]

BYO Cup to the CCC2019-02-10T17:33:45+10:00

Snoozing Kitties

Cat's spend about 2/3 of their life sleeping. Now if you've ever spent any time around a A Sleeping Samson cat this won't be that surprising but have you ever stopped and thought about the specifics of this fact?   Firstly let's take a look at why they [...]

Snoozing Kitties2019-02-10T17:33:45+10:00

The Story of Neptune

Today we're going to talk about an adorable little kitty called Neptune who has found a home. It would be so easy for Neptune to be overlooked as just another black and white kitten who has flu. It’s a sad reality that black and white cats (just like black cats [...]

The Story of Neptune2019-02-10T17:33:45+10:00
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