IMG_7747.jpgWho remembers Mumma Florence and her kittens, The Twisted Sisters?
Florence and her 3 deformed little girls arrived in our care almost 2 years ago, in November 16. They were extremely malnourished, neglected and abused. Florence weighed just over 2kg and her babies were about 4weeks old. They were minuscule and just bones.
It’s been a long journey since then. The kittens had 6 months of fortnightly casts to straighten their legs. They thrived with good food and love. Florence even got a little round.
The story of The Twisted Sisters became world famous and was picked up by the tabloids and The Dodo. But it’s Florence’s story that I want to tell today.
Florence was and still is the bravest mother ever. She cared for and protected her babies despite having nothing much of herself to give. She had hidden her babies from her tormentor and kept them safe. We have Country Cats Rescue to thank for getting them out (by stealth and another story).
The little family thrived at The Pussies Galore Rescue Rancho. Florence was never really IMG_7765-1.jpgwell though. We first thought it was her fear and shyness that kept her so quiet. She had become an expert at being invisible in her previous existence. She had to compete with dogs to get any food thrown into the yard.
Florence responded so well to love and kindness but always seemed so shocked at receiving love. She always purred at the slightest touch or even when she got her own bowl of food. Amazed that a whole bowl of food would be for her alone.
Florence often threw up, we put this down to her love of food and gorging. Something else was amiss though. Mostly she was well and happy. After many weeks of fruitless tests, we had an ultrasound done. It revealed masses around her pancreas. She needed to have surgery to investigate further. It was discovered that Florence has many masses, right throughout her insides. Some were old herniated wounds and other cancers. Biopsies revealed a cocktail of cancers. The mass around her pancreas was surgically reduced as much as possible but not much else could be done.
We were given the choice to put her down at this point.
IMG_7726.jpgFlorence has defied odds, thrived and is very loved. She still has periods of being unwell but they are fleeting. There may be a day where a different decision needs to be made but that is certainly not now.
Florence is just one of the Palliative care, special needs or geriatric cats that will live out their lives at the Pussies Galore Rescue Rancho or at one of our dedicated foster homes. We always need sponsors for these cats as we will never forsake them and they are often costly to keep.
One-off donations or regular weekly or monthly contributions, no matter how small keep us going. Imagine if hundreds of our followers gave as little as $2.00 a week, how much that would help us. So tell your friends about our work and we can make this happen.
Donations of $2.00 or more are tax deductible by sending an email to and asking for a receipt. Our bank details are BSB: 484799 Account: 166922635