

Neptune It would be so easy for Neptune to be overlooked as just another black and white kitten who has flu. It’s a sad reality that black and white cats (just like black cats more generally) are often overlooked for the ‘prettier’ colours. We also find that many people [...]



Galileo Galileo is the biggest of our space cattets and with good reason. The first week he was in care he managed to convince his foster mum he was not able to eat solid food. He would be first in the line for a big drink of milk but [...]


Aurora & Orion

Aurora & Orion We knew it would make it even harder to find them a home, but we decided Aurora and Orion need to stay together. It may take longer for someone to come along, who wants not just one but two beautiful black and white flu kittens, but [...]

Aurora & Orion2019-02-10T17:34:00+10:00


Donate Cat Cuddle Café, now closed, was Australia's only Cat Café run by a rescue. Cats are our passion and rescue is our mission. When we opened the Cat Cuddle Café in 2015, our Pussies Galore Rescue created the purrrfect [...]

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