

Female- Domestic Short Hair Rani is a quiet and demure little lady. She is extremely shy from her days of living under a house, she had no human contact for the first 10 weeks of her young life. Many visitors to the cat room leave without seeing Rani. She [...]



Male- Domestic Short Hair Sheldon was found at 10 weeks old, living with Mumma cat (Bernie), his sister and two brothers. They were living under a restaurant feeding off scraps left by guests and staff. Having started life as a street kitten, Sheldon is still wary of people. He [...]



Female- Domestic Short Hair Penny came into care at 10 weeks old, with her Mum and three siblings. They were living under a restaurant, feeding off scraps left by guests and staff. The family was caught by one of our amazing supporters, who took them home to foster. Having [...]



Mable Female- Domestic Short Hair There is only one word to describe Mable- sweet.  I know we often call our kitties sweet but Mable really is. Mable is loved by all the humans and the other cats in the CCC. Don't think that her being sweet means she doesn't [...]



Male Domestic Short Hair Handsome Magnus can be a real little gentleman. He has the best manners and gets along with all the cats and the humans at the cafe. He can also be a real rouge, if trouble is about he never seems far away. Some humans will [...]



Female Domestic Short Hair Millicent may be tiny but this little lady has a huge personality and is full of energy. She is the life and the party and only has two speeds, stop and go. With so much energy, Millicent is very playful. She tears around the cat [...]



Female Domestic Short Hair So you think that all cats are coordinated, graceful and agile? Well meet Matilda. Spend a morning with this little lady and you will also realise not all cats land on their feet! Matilda may not have been blessed with the physical cat skills but [...]



Male Domestic Short Hair Those sad eyes will melt even the coldest of hearts. How can you not look at little Morris and fall instantly in love? Morris is a very gentle and loving little man. He has always been the thoughtful one in his big family. Happy to [...]


The Catwalk

Penny's pretty paws. Depending on who you ask the most adorable part of a cat are its little footsies. Whether they have little socks or fluffy slippers there is something undeniably cute about feline feet. But there are actually a few fun facts that you might not know [...]

The Catwalk2022-11-07T15:43:11+10:00

The Nine Lives Myth

Cats do not have nine lives, that is something we can all agree on. But we've all heard the claim that they do. So where does this myth come from? The saying has been referenced for a long time. William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet has the character Mercutio referencing the nine lives [...]

The Nine Lives Myth2018-08-12T14:41:11+10:00
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