At the tender age of just 17 weeks, we had to save these two lovely brothers, Alan and Lemmy, not once but twice.

They first came into care at 8 weeks old with their two siblings. They were an unwanted litter facing an uncertain future.

The second time, through an unfortunate chain of events, these sweet, loving and gentle boys found themselves in the pound. They were logged as arriving at the pound on the Thursday morning before Easter.

Despite the kittens having a microchip that was registered to us, we were not contacted to advise they were in the pound. We did not discover them on an online listing until Easter Saturday evening. The pound had already closed and due to the public holidays, did not reopen until Tuesday morning.

As I am sure you can imagine, the long weekend became a very long and anxiety-filled one for us. Trying to understand why we were not contacted, frantically ensuring we had every piece of paperwork we could possibly need and hoping that the boys would still be there on Tuesday morning.

We were at the gates of the pound before they even opened on Tuesday morning. Fortunately, the boys were there, caged separately and desperately reaching their paws through the cage to try and get to one another.

We were given a range of excuses as to why we were not contacted including; they were too scared to be scanned, they scanned them and did not detect a chip and the pound having faulty scanners.

They arrived back into the hands of one of our amazing carers who has showered them with love to get them back into the best of health.

Given all they had been through in their short lives and how bonded they are, we have made the decision that the boys needed to be adopted together. It may have taken slightly longer to have them adopted together, but it was worth the wait. Alan and Lemmy found themselves an amazing home, together. They are very much loved and treasured members of their forever family.