Join us for a meownificent evening of cat-themed yoga with suitably inspired Disney music, and of course, a room full of enthusiastic kitty-cats to adjust and pounce upon your poses.
Our yoga teacher Daniel has a unique and playful style that will bring out your inner child, and perhaps your inner lion-cub.
No yoga experience is needed! Just a smile and willingness to play! 🙂
Daniel hosts workshops, retreats, and Yoga Teacher Trainings around the world.
He can be found on Instagram @theyogibunny or via his website
$25 per person – with all proceeds going straight to our Pussies Galore Rescue to help pay those never ending rescue bills.
BYO mat, we provide the cat(s).
(Don’t worry, if you don’t have a mat: we will have some on hand to lend out.)
Only a limited number of people can participate to keep all 4pawed and 2legged happy and safe.
To secure a spot for your mat, simply stretch over to the booking button below.
Beginners welcome.
Our Next Event Yoga With Cats Fundraiser:
Date yet to be announced. Follow us on Facebook to be the first to know!
6:30pm to 8:00pm