Cats and balls of yarn – can you imagine the fun?!

Always wanted to learn how to crochet?
Let our pawsome furcilitator Nicole show you how to best swing those hooks.

Simply entertain our Cuddle Stars with balls of yarn or actually learn how crochet a fun and fabulous cat toy.
Bring your own piece you are working on or borrow a hook and grab some wool out of our baskets and just give it a go.

Purrrfect for the beginners and yarning masters alike, bring your current project, or start something on the night. It’s sure gonna be a fun night. And not only will you get an evening of Cat Therapy and yarning, but you will also be helping our rescue immensely, by assisting us in raising funds to help cover the never ending vet bills.

$25 per person

To keep all 4pawed and 2legged happy and safe, only a limited number of people can participate. So you better book your spotĀ quickly.

Our next Yarning With Cats Fundraiser:

Date yet to be announced. Follow us on Facebook to be the first to know!

6:30pm – 8:00pm